Schlagwort: games
Von Pong zur Ludomusicology – Musik und Sound im Videospiel
Computerspiele sind nicht nur aufgrund ihrer visuellen Darstellung reizvoll. Für das individuelle Spielerlebnis ist der interaktive Soundtrack mindestens ebenso wichtig. Was zeichnet Musik im Computerspiel aus? Wie funktioniert sie und unter welchen Perspektiven wird sie beforscht?
CFP Ludomusicology Leipzig
Ludo2018 13th – 15th April, HMT Leipzig Conference on Video Game Music and Sound Soundscapes and Interfaces The organizers of Ludo2018 are accepting proposals for research presentations. This year, we are particularly interested in papers that support the conference theme of ‘Soundscapes and Interfaces’. We also welcome all proposals on sound and music in games. Proposed…
Ludo2017, the Sixth Easter Conference on Video Game Music and Sound
This might be an interesting call for some of you. I had a great time in Utrecht at the Ludo 2015 conference and will try to come to Bath Spa University next year, here is the actual call by the organizers: “We’re delighted to announce that Ludo2017, the Sixth Easter Conference on Video Game Music and Sound, will take place April 20th – 22ndat Bath Spa…