Kategorie: Neue Publikationen
Neu: Samantha Bennett & Eliot Bates: Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound
Samantha Bennett & Eliot Bates, Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019.
Neu: Samantha Bennett: Modern Records, Maverick Methods
Samantha Bennet. Modern Records, Maverick Methods. Technology and Process in Popular Music Record Production 1978–2000. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019.
Neu: Leslie Grace McMurtry: Revolution in the Echo Chamber. Audio Drama’s Past, Present and Future
Leslie Grace McMurtry, Revolution in the Echo Chamber. Audio Drama’s Past, Present and Future. Bristol/Chicago: Intellect, 2019.
Neu: Radio Revolten: 30 Days of Radio Art
Edited by: Knut Aufermann, Helen Hahmann, Sarah Washington, and Ralf Wendt
Neu: Sound Works – A Cultural Theory of Sound Design. by Holger Schulze
About Sound Works What is sound design? What is its function in the early 21st century and into the future? Sound Works examines these questions in four parts: Part 1, “Why This Sound?”, presents an overview of the modern history of sound design. Part 2 is highly visual and provides a glance onto a sound designer’s…
Neu: Demokratie im Ohr – Melanie Fritscher-Fehr
Melanie Fritscher-Fehr: Demokratie im Ohr. Das Radio als geschichtskultureller Akteur in Westdeutschland, 1945–1963. transcript, Bielefeld 2019.
Neu: Static in the System. Noise and the Soundscape of American Cinema Culture – Meredith C. Ward
Neuerscheinung bei University of California Press
Neu: Senderidentität und Alltagsästhetik. Radiomoderationen in der Primetime – Clara Luise Finke
Neuerscheinung bei Frank & Timme aus der Reihe “Schriften zur Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik”
Neu: New Media Archaeologies – Ben Roberts, Mark Goodall (eds)
Neuerscheinung bei Amsterdam University Press der Bücherserie “Recursions”