Kategorie: Calls
Call | “Rethinking Participatory Processes Through Music”
https://musicdemocracystudydays.wordpress.com/cfp-2021-coming-soon/ 14-15 January 2022, online event Keynote speakers: Hélène Landemore (Yale University), Anna Bull (University of York), Raymond MacDonald (University of Edinburgh) In recent times, the UK’s Brexit vote, the 2016 US presidential election, and other elections worldwide have made democratic processes the subject of unprecedented public debate. This has led to widespread questioning of the mechanisms for…
Call | “Intersections Between Game Music and Electronic Dance Music” (The Journal of Sound and Music in Games)
https://online.ucpress.edu/jsmg/pages/call_for_papers Call for Papers Intersections Between Game Music and Electronic Dance Music The Journal of Sound and Music in Games invites contributions to its first special issue, in which stylistic and cultural intersections will be explored between game music and electronic dance music. With electronic dance music, we refer to musical styles that are produced…
Call | Research publication on Theater Music (Cambridge University Press, TBC) Call for expressions of interests / proposals
The DFG funded project „Theatermusik heute als kulturelle Praxis“ [Theatre Music Today as a Cultural Practice] (Prof. Dr David Roesner, Tamara Quick, M.A.) invites expressions of interest and proposals towards a working session and subsequent publication „Theatre Music Today. Practices, Approaches and Analyses“.
Reminder (Deadline June 15): Call | International Conference: Transnational Perspectives on Music, Sound and (War) Propaganda (1914–1945)
**Deadline: June 15** Humboldt University (Berlin) and University of Zurich International Conference https://www.musikundmedien.hu-berlin.de/de/musikwissenschaft/cfp-interwar-sound-propaganda-humboldt-zurich.pdf Transnational Perspectives on Music, Sound and (War) Propaganda (1914–1945) 21–23 October 2021 (Virtual conference) Convened by Diego Alonso (Humboldt University, Berlin), Christian Koller (Swiss Social Archives and University of Zurich) and Steffen Just (University of Potsdam) Keynote speakers: Anne C. Shreffler (Harvard…
Call | Musik & Krisen (6. Jahrbuch Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung 2021)
Der Call richtet sich an Wissenschaftler:innen aller Disziplinen, die zu “Musik und Krisen” arbeiten, sowie auch an Künstler:innen oder Akteur:innen der Musikwirtschaft. Erbeten sind Beitragsskizzen (max. 1.500 Worte, Word-Datei) bis zum 30.04.2021.
Call | Historical Traces of European Radio Archives, 1930-1960
This two-day interdisciplinary workshop brings together scholars and practitioners invested in theoretically-informed, connective histories about radio archives. Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words and a short biography by 15 April 2021. The workshop is hosted by the research project TRACE.
Call | Musik & Krisen
Der Call richtet sich an Wissenschaftler*innen aller Disziplinen, die zu “Musik und Krisen” arbeiten, sowie auch an Künstler*innen oder Akteur*innen der Musikwirtschaft. Erbeten sind Beitragsskizzen (max. 1.500 Worte, Word-Datei) bis zum 30.04.2021.